What better way to get to know Oak Grove Elementary and to be a part of the school community than to get involved!

We would love to welcome you to our team of volunteers! 

Our Roles

 Check out our OPEN Committee Roles 

Check out the ONE TIME slots throughout the year

"Join the Grove" and Pledge to Volunteer 

Our 2024-2025 Teams and volunteers
Looking for volunteers for 2025-2026

Our Roles

The PTA is here to bring our community together through fun events, meaningful projects, and gestures of appreciation for our amazing faculty and staff (learn more). 

To make it all happen, we need some friendly faces to join the team!

These roles are super flexible—you can shape them around your time and ideas.

Whether you can give a little or a lot, your contribution will help create something special.



A-Z roles



Time Consuming

Skills needed

Book Fairs

Committee role of running the two book fairs held each year. Scholastic Books in November, the week before Thanksgiving, and in March.

Fall (November) and Spring (March)


Buildings and Grounds




Cultural Arts

Committee plans and coordinates cultural event/s such as exhibitions, festivals, or performances

(create or find an event through the Bureau of Lectures)



Faculty & Staff   (Teaches) Appreciation

Back to school breakfast, seasonal giving to village trust, teacher appreciation week, working with the hospitality committee.



Family Dance

Committee roles "Make the magic happen" of the annual winter ball of OGE: from choosing theme and activities, set up and decoration, food and drinks, entertainment and more to your imagination

Friday night in January


Family Movie Night 

This event occurs twice a year. Will need help to coordinate with movie theatres, tickets, social media, etc.

Fall / Spring


Fifth Grade Committee

Works with the 5th grade teachers to put on events for the 5th grade class throughout the year, help the kids run the Fall Festival and design a class shirt. In the Spring, they help volunteers organize end of year activities.

Annually, mostly Fall


Field Day

Helps organize a fun outdoor game day for students on a Friday in May. Committee chair will work with the coach to choose theme and volunteers.



Fun Run / Oak Grove 5K Run

Helps coordinate sponsors and organize grade level races at the Lakeside High School Track and trails in the Fall. 

October / November


Give to Grover

Help meet our annual donation goal and coordinate donations.

Annually, mostly August



This committee works with our STEM coordinator, Kendall Xides, to organize work days in the small courtyard.




Helps keep the teachers lounge stocked with coffee supplies. Ongoing position throughout the year, as needed. Works with the Faculty Appreciation committee.



Kona Ice Social

Helps organize this event for students/parents to have an opportunity to socialize. Held on the 2nd or 3rd Friday of the school year. Committee chair makes decisions based on budget.



Legislation and Advocacy

Participate in district and Lakeside cluster meetings as needed and providing updates to the board 



Library Helpers



Literary Guild 

Learn more about this program.

[not continued]


Lost and Found

Comes to the school throughout the year to organize the lost and found items. Performs large clean-out/donation at the end of each semester.



Math Superstars

Monitors the bulletin board, collection of submissions, grading and prizes. Prizes have generally been given four times a year. Learn more about this program.



Nutrition & Wellness

Works with the school counselors to organize/schedule a week in which each day focuses on a different aspect relating to Health and Wellness. Chooses activities/events that get the children and staff excited to improve their health!



New & Prospective Parent Tours

Coordinate with the front office to give tours during school hours..




Capture unforgettable moments during OGE events 

and anything OGE related to be use for the yearbook and other OGE publications

OGE Events







Committee handles communication with the Nat'l PTA for rules and contest info. In charge of making sure all artwork is submitted properly, finds persons to judge the artwork and hosts a show/celebration. Confirms that winning entries move on to national competition.

Early Fall



Committee organizes our one day registration. Confirm what will be needed to begin the online registration process and supplies needed that day. Set up registration and make sure the event runs smoothly.

over the summer


Safe Routes to School

See Walking Wednesday

Fall and Spring


School Directory




School Pictures


Early fall


School Supply Packets

Organizes the ordering of school supply kits in the Spring for delivery before Fall registration. The committee chair confirms what each grade level would like included in their supply box and relays the ordering information to parents. Distributes at registration in the Fall.



Social Media

Coordinates social media accounts and helps programs get information, graphics, and links to each account



Spirit Nights

Coordinate spirit nights to fundraise



Spirit Wear

This committee chooses a spirit wear company and design each year. Spirit Wear is generally offered online starting at registration and running through early Fall. The committee chair helps with distribution when orders arrive.




Helps coordinate ongoing and one time spots positions and “Join the Groove” pledge to volunteer



VP Secretary

Attends monthly PTA meetings and records minutes. 



VP Communication

Overseas all communications: Social Media, Oak Tree Newsletter and White board.



VP Community Outreach

Overseas Reflections, Math Superstars, School Photos



VP Family Events

Overseas Movie nights, Family dance and other social events



VP Fundraising 

Overseas Book Fairs, Spirit Night, Spirit Wear and all Fundraising efforts



VP Room Parents

Communicates with room parents, overseas Walking Wednesday, faculty appreciation



Walking Wednesday

Organizes a competition across teachers where classes compete to see how many kids can walk to school on Wednesday morning. Decides the dates of events and organizes volunteers to count the walkers and hand out small prizes.




Works throughout the year to collect social pictures, as well as grade level pictures to organize the yearbook. Approval takes place in February and the yearbooks arrive in May, to be distributed to the kids




Our 2024-2025 Superstar Teams and volunteers

 A-Z roles

 Our Volunteers 

Book Fairs

Bryanne Wainford,  Luisa Cervantes, Bianca Karafotias, Tim Liese

Buildings and Grounds


Cultural Arts

Sarah Schilie

Faculty & Staff (Teachers) Appreciation

Ashley Michael, Victoria Borges, Lauren Kernya

Family Dance

Amy Myers

Family Movie Night 

Anu Ghosh, Heather Harold

Fifth Grade Committee

Sonia Hoey, Jessica Gourdet Murray, Anu Ghosh, Amy Glade

Field Day

Maribeth Sivilus, Jennifer Chiczewski., Virginia Barton

Fun Run / Oak Grove 5K

Maggie Rivers

Give to Grover



Michael Kidd


Alix Tucker,Anna Rees, Lara Mason

Kona Ice Social

Mary Cook

Legislation and Advocacy

Tracy Brisson

Library Helpers


Literary Guild

[not continued]

Lost and Found

Bryanne Wainford, Janet Frey

Math Superstars

Shaili Shah, Amy Klenc

Nutrition & Wellness


New & Prospective Parent Tours

Fanchon Tabb


Jessi A.






Liat Oren


Jennifer Peters

Safe Routes to School

See Walking Wednesday 

School Directory


School Pictures


School Supply Packets


Social Media

Heather Hoyne

Spirit Nights


Spirit Wear


VP Engagement


VP Secretary

Our Board

VP Communication

Our Board

VP Community Outreach

Our Board

VP Family Events

Our Board

VP Fundraising 

Our Board

VP Room Parents

Our Board

Walking Wednesday

Elizabeth Hathcock

Wonderful Wednesday

Vannesa B, Raegan H


Nick Hoyne





Have a question?

Contact Us!

Find us on Social Network!



When every family gives a suggested amount of $150, the OGE PTA meets its budget to fund the additional programs our families appreciate. All donations are tax-deductible. And no PTA fundraisers during the year!

Learn how your donation is used.

Give to Grover donors receive an Oak Grove Elementary magnet.

Click the button above to join!

 Membership is $10 per member. Join us! Help support OGE, DeKalb District PTA, GA PTA, and National PTA as one voice in the effort to improve education for all students. Membership gives you voting rights at any PTA general meeting. You also enjoy great discounts, locally and nationally. When you go a step further and volunteer to help with events—or join our board— you set a fine example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage our teachers and staff.